Approximately 70% of the world's population is expected to be concentrated in cities by 2050, and GX (Green Transformation) of cities is required to realize a decarbonized society. In addition, the risk of natural disasters is increasing due to the fact that Japan is said to have entered an active period of earthquakes and the frequent occurrence of wind and flood damage, which is thought to be the result of global warming. Cities of the future will need to realize high-quality spaces such as intellectual production bases and living environments for the rapidly increasing number of elderly people, while responding to decarbonization and the increased risk of natural disasters. To that end, it is necessary for researchers in related fields and stakeholders to work together to create, share, and deepen scientific knowledge, and implement it in society. Therefore, in this research center, researchers from various fields related to the above issues will conduct collaborative research while sharing scientific data, information, and knowledge. The aim is to achieve results related to the design and management of cities that contribute to a decarbonized society, have resilience to natural disaster risks, and are healthy, comfortable and attractive, and to work on their implementation in society. |
In this research center, we will focus on areas where research group members have relationships with stakeholders, such as Yokohama City, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, etc., centering on the Keihin coastal area. Based on local needs, we promote research projects related to urban design and management with themes such as decarbonization, resilience, health and comfort. In particular, in the Yokohama city center coastal area, we will design a district energy system that incorporates waste incineration waste heat and cogeneration into district heating and cooling, aiming for a carbon-half society in 2030 and a carbon-neutral society in 2050. In addition, we plan to build a scenario for realizing a carbon-neutral city, including the introduction of green hydrogen along with the reorganization of the industrial zone in the Keihin coastal area, and develop it toward social implementation while gaining the understanding of the parties concerned. In addition, for the Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 district, by handling people flow data on a 3D city model, we will carry out project research in collaboration with stakeholders to realize safe, bustling and high-quality area management based on evidence. Furthermore, we plan to create research projects by matching local needs with the seeds of research group members. |